COVID crimes tribunal is born

Rome, May 1, 2023-Today Mahat Cerasuolo, Bailiff of the People of Mother Earth (PMT), assumes the position of president of the "COVID International Crimes Tribunal," a continuation of the "Russell Tribunal," which deals with crimes against humanity. Mahat said, "Today is a great day when we lay the groundwork for a revenge against a criminal system that subverts laws, constitutions, rights, treaties, jeopardizing the safety of peoples in favor of the interests of a few unscrupulous multinational corporations." He adds, "In the inertia of ordinary justice, after three years of disasters, it seems to us that a spontaneous and nonviolent initiative is necessary that can convey to the people the motivation to reject the diktats of the new world order."


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People of Mother Earth
Ours is a self-determined state, with a presidential government and a board of ministers formed with men and women aware and united on the old ancestral identities of our territory, the Italic Peninsula, of the whole of Mother Earth.
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